Friday, 9 August 2013

Motivation holding

Its almost been a month "on the bandwagon" and I am still feeling positive. My loss at my last weigh was .3kg, less than I hoped for but I'm staying positive. Part of me puts it down to TOM because I ate really well. But also I realise that after so long of weight battling WL is never predicatable as much as I'd love it to be. I could be perfect all week and gain, only to lose next week. So I'm taking it in my stride and looking forward to getting on the scales on Monday.

What I'm not looking forward to quite as much is a kids birthday party tomorrow with lots of tempting birthday food, plus on Monday a morning tea shout. But I thinking knowing that I weigh on Monday helps me to stay a bit more on to it when it comes to the weekend when I'd normally lax.

I've returned to 3fc, trying to be active on the forums again. I found it motivating to be part of a WL network like that, but it can be time consuming as well.


  1. A tea shout?

    I am convinced that not all calories are the same and that it is not as simple as calories in, calories burned.

    It could be coincidence, but when I plateau I like to scramble up the calories day to day. Like not always 1500 calories, but 1100, 1500, 1800, 1200. Keep it guessing and not feel assured that 1500 is the calorie number to expect. Just averaging out to that number over time. Just a thought.

    Hope the kid's birthday went smoothly for you (and after when all that food is alone and asking for your company) and that the kids had a terrific time. When you reach your goal, consider a pic. : )

    Take care!

  2. wow it has been awhile! I know I've been out too so I didn't know you're back! :) I hope all is well
