Monday, 29 July 2013

Two posts in two days!

I just wanted to write here because I'm super proud. I lost another 1.6kg this week (3.5lb) bringing my total loss to 5.1kg and 5% bw reduction. My next mini goal is 10%bw reduction which is 4.9kg away. I'd like to hit it by the end of August but that might be a little unrealistic, I'm certainly well on track though.

I have a busy day today, seven hours of teaching plus I need to do about three hours of marking, so it will be a taking work home kinda day. Plus I need to work on my teaching porfolio, I keep putting it off because I don't have a meeting with my supervisor until mid-August. But I know From mid-Aug until end of semester I will be so chaotically flat out I really do need to get my butt moving on my studies.

1 comment:

  1. Ah so you have your crazy time right now with school. Hope you got your stuff done and maybe got or got close to your goals.

    I am... in a holding pattern. I have also thrown a temper tantrum about it... maybe worse than one Oakley might perform.
