Sunday, 31 July 2011


Well I'm still maintaining, my weight is sitting there at 89.5kg.  I feel a little guilty that I'm not losing, but I am trying to focus on everything else in my life and figure not gaining is all good.  Partly I know I'm excuse making, but also I'm hoping that doing maintenance for a bit will help bust the plateau I was experiencing.

We went for an awesome walk today, it was only about an hour stroll (Willow pace for about half the way, then adult pace) but it was so great to be out in the bush.  We found a cool little waterfall, a spot we are thinking about doing Oakley's naming ceremony.  I miss the bush, where Neil and I grew up we were so much closer to nature.  Hamilton is all pasture land, while Rotorua was surrounded by bush and lakes.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Post weekend weight a-oK!

So I expected a gain after the weekend, its pretty normal for me.  But hey, no gain!  89.5kg and holding strong.  Which is good because the winter weather is getting to me.  I have so much to do for work, trying to get exercise in is becoming a massive chore.  And by the time I'm home at night I cannot be assed working out.  Yes excuses I know.

So my plan is to go in to semi-maintenance mode for a month.  I will watch my diet but exercise will be less as long as I don't gain.  If I gain then I need to get my butt moving more.  In a months time I am on break again and can ramp up 2 weeks.  Then winter will be over and as the weather starts to turn and days get longer and mornings warmer it will be business as usual.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Big hair 80s here I come!

89.5kg!  89.5kg fuck yeh!

I am so stoked to be in the 80s, I've not weighed this since I was a teenager.  My weight loss has really slowed down so I needed to see this.  I have been waiting to break the 90s barrier.  I am accepting of a slow down, I figure as long as I continue to lose even if it means having to measure in 100g instead of 1kg increments.  I've got the rest of my life to either lose weight or stay fat, I'm going with reduction thank you

And for ya'll, 89.5 is 197.3lbs, fuck yeh!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Midsummer #3

Third work out done.  Leg work out on the kinect instead of pilates.  Willow joined in, god so cute!  She told me off in one instance because I wasn't doing one of them right -LOL-

I've installed a tracking app on my phone, to track calories and exercise.  I feel like I need to really refocus and get down below the 90kg mark.  I've been hovering too long, bouncing up and down.  It really is the weekends that kill, so come on, keep the focus!  Lets make it through the weekend without regrets.  Oh and the hubby, second time in a week he has bought me chocolate bar when he has gone down to the store.  I told him no, he ate the first one.  And then tonight he rocks in with a kit kat.  Grrrrr.  Come on Mr, get on my page would ya.  I will ignore the siren song, I've told him to eat it so he will probably snack on it later.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Summer splashing

Next challenge is up and running, Didi's Midsummer Splash challenge.  I've worked out two times so far, really hoping to be able to do 20min x 7 days although on weekends with the kids it is usually pretty hard to get anything done.  If its fine I can take them in the stroller so I can at least get something done.  And once they go to bed I'm just too exhausted.  Good thing is I have pilates DVDs so really I should just pop those in after they go to bed and do it (although DH usually complains then -LOL-).

I would love to do the swimming one, I really miss swimming :(  I have decided that next break (5weeks from now) I am going to add swimming in to my work out schedule for the two weeks that I'm off.  And then it will be 6 weeks back and then 4mos break plus SUMMER (oh how I hate winter) and I definitely be hitting the pool then.  I'm thinking by Christmas I want to be swimming 5km again.  I think that is an acheivable goal.  Then by Feb 10km?  Ready for Whale Island???  This is an open water ocean swim, swimming from an off shore island in to the coast.  It is 9km as the crow flies but you end up swimming more than that because you have to combat waves/tides/currents.  One year that my Dad did it there was a massive current change and they said that the swimmers would have been swimming about 14km.  Lots of swimmers got pulled out (you have to reach the half way mark by a certain time) and man were they exhausted by the end of it.  But I know that if I can swim 10, then I would be able to just keep going.  Its just a level of endurance/fitness.  And if I'm not ready, then I will do the Rotoma Lake swim which is 1.5, 3, 6, or 9km swims.

I'm thinking about putting my food journal tracking on here, at the moment I have my exercise/food journal on paper.  But I'd have to be more organised and get on here every day then -L-  Speaking of food, I am so sad - I found out that the average chicken doner kebab is around 1000cals.  I eat one at least every weekend for lunch!!  I thought they were healthy.  Honestly though I can't see how they can be more calories than a double whopper with cheese!  I'm wondering what they include (i.e. cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise none of which I eat).  So guess I need to find a new mall lunch.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Legs like logs

Oh. ow. wow.

So PT session today, jeepers did he work me hard.  I went in at 11:30 for consultation session where he decided what he was going to make me do, that took an hour.  Awesome because he showed me how to use some of the weight machines that I wasn't sure about and also showed me how to do lunges properly.  He admired my squat technique, I didn't tell him it was because when I first started exercising I was using the Kinect which of course acts like a PT and was always telling me to squat lower and stick my butt out more, so I guess I learned!  And once I had lunge technique down he handed my free weight and was like yeh now we're going to do it with weights.  Then I went back at 3pm for the actual work out session, my legs were already sore from learning how to do lunges -LOL-  But I pushed through it, I'm doing the same number of reps of weights but three sessions instead of two, and at higher weights. 

In all honestly I knew that I wasn't working out as hard as I could be, but I didn't realise how much more I could push myself with the weights just by having someone tell me that I could.  Having said that omg my thighs are killing me today.  I had planned on going to the gym tomorrow but I thought I had better have a rest day.

Are you going to quit, or commit?

This has become my new motto. I have had to ask myself that a few times today, for example I was thinking of skipping the gym, but I said it and got my ass to the gym. And I worked out harder than normal, I really gave it 150% today - a sign that its time to revamp the work out, to push myself more. No more saying "I can't do ...".

I'm committing!

Monday, 4 July 2011

No Monday-itis for me

Booked in for an exercise consultancy session on Wednesday.  I figured it was time for a shake up, I’ve been going to the gym and just doing whatever with no real plan.  Its times to get some professional advice.

40min on the eliptical, man my legs are tired this evening.  I am planning on going swimming tomorrow to win my “just keep swimming challenge” badge ;)

Weight: 91kg